Welcome to the world of livestock at the Paris International Agricultural Show, showcasing unique species such as camels, dromedaries, Watusis, and llamas
You will discover camels and dromedaries behind which hide Watusi, alpagas but also lamas.
Do you know them?

From these foreign breeds that are little known in France, these animals, as imposing as they are endearing, do have an agricultural vocation and their breeders will be delighted to explain to you why they are with us at the show.

You will be able to take part in interactive activities, answer quizzes and win the right... to taste dairy products!

Because this year, the first French dairy products made from camel milk are at Salon International de l'Agriculture!

Come and discover why camel milk is called white gold in many countries of the world, get interested in the virtues of the dairy products created by our first French camel farm and take advantage of the exhibition to taste them!